39 research outputs found

    Novel optical imaging technique to determine the 3-D orientation of collagen fibers in cartilage: variable-incidence angle polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography

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    Objective: To investigate a novel optical method to determine the three dimensional (3-D) structure of articular cartilage collagen non-destructively. Methods: Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography was used to determine the apparent optical birefringence of articular cartilage for a number of different illumination directions. A quantitative method based on the theory of light propagation in uniaxial crystalline materials was validated on equine flexor tendon. Qualitative maps of fiber polar and azimuthal orientation at sites on the posterior and anterior segments of the equine third metacarpophalangeal (fetlock) joint were produced, and the azimuthal orientations compared with data from a split-line experiment. Results: Polar and azimuthal angles of cut flexor tendon broadly agreed with the nominal values but suggested that the accuracy was limited by our method of determining the apparent birefringence. On intact equine fetlock joints we found a non-zero polar tilt that changed in direction at various points along the apex, moving from the sagittal ridge outwards. The azimuthal orientation changes from being parallel to the sagittal ridge in the posterior region to being inclined to the ridge in the anterior region. This broadly agrees with split-line data for the anterior region but differs in the posterior region, possibly reflecting depth-dependent orientation changes. Conclusion: General quantitative agreement was found between our method and histology in validation experiments. Qualitative results for cartilage suggest a complicated 3-D structure that warrants further study. There is potential to develop this approach into a tool that can provide depth-resolved information on collagen orientation in near real-time, non-destructively and in vivo. (c) 2008 Osteoarthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    The article summarizes the experience of the school No. 9 in Severouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, in the construction of regular and extra-curricular work on the module "fundamentals of Orthodox culture".В статье обобщается опыт работы школы № 9 г. Североуральска Свердловской области по построению урочной и внеурочной работы по модулю «основы православной культуры»


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    One of the major problems that confronts modern managers is to improve the management of organizations in market conditions.Traditional approaches to management based on the rationalistic methods for analyzing and solving problems, formulating clear vision and direction of action are becoming scarce, hindering the success of the enterprise. One of the important scientific and practical problems is the search for effective strategies and mechanisms of organizational changes and changes that will strengthen the activities of organizations, increase their competitiveness, and as a result, will create the basis for the technological development of other sectors of the Russian economy.One of the conclusions of the authors is the ability to use the Pareto principle in the management of business processes. This means that we must first focus on the most critical to achieving the strategic objectives of the process, leaving for later, possibly problematic, but not the core business processes.The purpose of this study is to develop practical recommendations for the management of organizational changes at Russian enterprises.The work is the result of a study conducted by the authors in 2009-2013 as part of the scientific school “ResearchManagement Business Process Re-Russian Industry” (supervisor prof. A.O. Blinov). The methodological basis of the study are scientific methods, including a systematic approach and the dialectical method for studying complex economic processes, and methods of basic sciences (comparative analytical, situational) methods of control systems (the method of questioning, a sociological analysis of the problems of functioning of industrial enterprises, the method of expert estimates).To solve the problems in the study used as economic and statistical methods,modeling of economic processes. In article identified in the study for the effective conduct of reorganization of companies. Establish conditions that have the greatest weight in the implementation of projects of organizational change. Proved that one of the ways companies go on a highly level is the development of a new strategy or policy of the company, based on the use of new campaigns, new ways of thinking, new management models.The main methodological and practical recommendations in paper can be used in practical detail enterprises.Основная задача, которая встает перед современными менеджерами,- совершенствование системы управления организациями в рыночных условиях. Традиционные подходы к управлению, основанные на рационалистических методах анализа и решения проблем, ясной формулировке видения и направления действий, становятся недостаточными, препятствующими успеху предприятия. Важная научно-практическая задача - поиск эффективных стратегий и механизмов организационных преобразований и изменений, которые позволят активизировать деятельность организаций, повысят их конкурентоспособность и, как следствие, позволят создать основу для технологического развития других отраслей российской экономики.Одним из выводов авторов статьи является возможность использования принципа Парето в управлении бизнес-процессами. Это означает, что в первую очередь нужно сфокусироваться на самых критичных для достижения стратегических целей процессах, оставив на потом, возможно, проблемные, но не ключевые бизнес-процессы.Целью исследования была разработка практических рекомендаций по управлению организационными изменениями на российских предприятиях. Работа является результатом исследований, которые проводились авторами в 2009-2013 гг. в рамках научной школы «Исследование управления реинжинирингом бизнес-процессов российской промышленности» (научный руководитель профессор А.О. Блинов). В качестве методологической базы исследования использовались общенаучные методы, включая системный подход и диалектический метод изучения сложных экономических процессов; методы фундаментальных наук (сравнительно-аналитический, ситуационный); методы исследования систем управления (метод анкетирования, социологический анализ проблем функционирования предприятий, метод экспертных оценок). Для решения поставленных задач в работе использовались также экономико-статистические методы, методы моделирования экономических процессов.В статье предложены выявленные в ходе исследования условия эффективного проведения реорганизации компаний. Выделены условия, имеющие наибольший вес при внедрении проектов организационных изменений. Доказывается, что одним из способов перехода предприятий на высокоэффективный уровень является разработка новой стратегии или политики предприятия, основанной на использовании новых походов, нового образа мышления, новых моделей менеджмента.Основные методические и практические рекомендации, предложенные в работе, могут быть использованы в практической деятельности организаций

    The need to optimize the qualification requirements for the pharmaceutical staff

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    In order to optimize the qualification requirements for the pharmaceutical staff drugstores analyzed the qualification characteristics of pharmaceutical workers and federal state educational standards of higher and secondary vocational education on a specialty 'Pharmacy'. As a result of the conclusion of non-conformity to the requirements of modern functional responsibilities of pharmacists dispensing chemists and pharmacy organizations the level of education received by them after the top and middle of pharmaceutical education. Makes proposals on the need for changes to the existing regulatory framework.С целью оптимизации квалификационных требований к фармацевтическому персоналу аптечных организаций был проведен анализ квалификационных характеристик должностей фармацевтических работников и Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего и среднего профессионального образования по специальности «Фармация».В результате сделан вывод о несоответствии современных требований к функциональным обязанностям фармацевтов и провизоров аптечных организаций уровню образования, полученному ими после окончания высшего и среднего фармацевтического образования. Сформулированы предложения о необходимости внесения изменений в действующую нормативную базу

    Ultrasound examination with contrast in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. The results of the pilot study

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    Aim. Assessment of diagnostic significance of informativeness and security of ultrasonography with contrast enhancement drug SonoVue in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Materials and methods. The pilot conducted a prospective study which involved 15 patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). All patients gave written consent to participate in the study and processing of personal data. The study included adult patients with an established diagnosis of UC and CD, with proven clinical activity of the disease. Activity was evaluated based on clinical and laboratory data on the scale of best (CDAI >150) for patients with CD and on a scale of Trulove-Witts (2-3 stage) and the Mayo index (DAI) for patients with UC. All the patients underwent colonoscopy with biopsy, ultrasound examination of abdominal cavity organs with the study of the vascularization of the intestinal wall (color Doppler, power Doppler, contrast study). Results. The use of contrast showed additional features in the instrumental evaluation of activity of inflammatory process, identification of complications and assessment of prognosis. Conclusion. The results of ultrasound of the bowel with contrast can be used to assess the activity and stage of disease in patients with UC or CD

    Innovation of pharmaceutical education: experience and perspectives

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    In the field of professional activity professional development is a priority task requiring constant improvement and modernization of forms and methods of pedagogical and scientific-methodical activity. Modern trends in education are aimed at increasing the level of knowledge, competencies and skills of specialists. The article gives the experience of the Department of Pharmacy of the Institute of Continuous Professional Development of the Tyumen State Medical University on training of personnel of the highest qualification on the basis of innovative educational technologies.В области профессиональной деятельности повышение квалификации специалистов является приоритетной задачей, требующей постоянного совершенствования и модернизации форм и методов педагогической и научно-методической деятельности. Современные тенденции в образовании направлены на повышение уровня знаний, компетенций, навыков специалистов. В статье приводится опыт работы кафедры фармации института НПР тюменского ГМУ по подготовке кадров высшей квалификации на основе инновационных образовательных технологий

    Noninvasive optical inhibition with a red-shifted microbial rhodopsin

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    Optogenetic inhibition of the electrical activity of neurons enables the causal assessment of their contributions to brain functions. Red light penetrates deeper into tissue than other visible wavelengths. We present a red-shifted cruxhalorhodopsin, Jaws, derived from Haloarcula (Halobacterium) salinarum (strain Shark) and engineered to result in red light–induced photocurrents three times those of earlier silencers. Jaws exhibits robust inhibition of sensory-evoked neural activity in the cortex and results in strong light responses when used in retinas of retinitis pigmentosa model mice. We also demonstrate that Jaws can noninvasively mediate transcranial optical inhibition of neurons deep in the brains of awake mice. The noninvasive optogenetic inhibition opened up by Jaws enables a variety of important neuroscience experiments and offers a powerful general-use chloride pump for basic and applied neuroscience.McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT (Razin Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Living Foundries Program (HR0011-12-C-0068)Harvard-MIT Joint Research Grants Program in Basic NeuroscienceHuman Frontier Science Program (Strasbourg, France)Institution of Engineering and Technology (A. F. Harvey Prize)McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. Neurotechnology (MINT) ProgramNew York Stem Cell Foundation (Robertson Investigator Award)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (New Innovator Award 1DP2OD002002)National Institute of General Medical Sciences (U.S.) (EUREKA Award 1R01NS075421)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01DA029639)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1RC1MH088182)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01NS067199)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Career Award CBET 1053233)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant EFRI0835878)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMS0848804)Society for Neuroscience (Research Award for Innovation in Neuroscience)Wallace H. Coulter FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (RO1 MH091220-01)Whitehall FoundationEsther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund, Inc.JPB FoundationPIIF FundingNational Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (R01-MH102441-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (DP2-OD-017366-01)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Simons Center for the Social Brai


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    This article presents the results of the re-investigation of the influence of aromatherapy for the treatment and prevention of burnout in teachers and physicians. In a group of subjects were the same experts in the first study. The work was based on the assumption that aromatherapy approach is an effective and affordable way to combat and treat the CMEA. Treatment group were «burned out» teachers (41 people) and physicians (48 people) and the town of Zelenograd Torzhek. In the course of the study were identified and counseled employees with high burn-up, then they were asked to participate in the study with the possible improvement of the state.В данной статье представлены результаты повторного исследования влияния ароматерапии на лечение и профилактику синдрома эмоционального выгорания у педагогов и медиков. В группу испытуемых входили те же специалисты что и в первом исследовании. Работа была основана на предположении, что ароматерапевтический подход является эффективным и доступным способом борьбы и лечения СЭВ. Исследуемой группой стали «выгоревшие» педагоги (41 человек) и медики (48 человек) г. Зеленоград и г. Торжек. В процессе исследования были выявлены и проконсультированы работники с высоким коэффициентом выгорания, далее им предлагалось участие в исследование с возможным улучшением состояния